Thank you so much for your support of the Addiction Support Podcast.
I love creating this weekly podcast. As it continues to grow, it will evolve into a tool that will support so many people.
My 18-year-old son and I are political addiction harm reduction advocates. I’d love to be able to do more work on the political front. I want us to go to DC and speak to US Congress this year. I also have a big dream to create a documentary that follows someone through the rehab and recovery process in the next 12 months.
All of this is free to the audience. However, it does cost money and time to create, produce, and market.
I was talking to a friend and life coach about this topic a few weeks ago because I did not feel like I should ask for money for my work on Addiction Support. She brought up a good point, she told me to think of the ripple effect that my work is having on people. If I shut off the ability for others to contribute then I’m putting a limit on how much good my work can do.
If you believe in what we are doing here and would like to contribute, please do so via my Paypal link.