Share Your Story

Join The Movement

Let’s come together to help people realize that they are not alone. They can feel better, set healthy boundaries, and learn how to process emotional pain.

Be a part of the solution!

By sharing your story and letting others know that real people are dealing with these same issues, you’ll be doing your part to ensure that addiction does not continue strangling future generations.

What can you do?

Click here and submit your story:

  • Include as much or as little of your story as you would like to.  Please keep this only from your point of view.  Story’s that include names of other people will not be posted.
  • You are welcome to submit audio and /or video versions of your story as long as there is also a written transcript.
  • Let us know if you want to remain anonymous, or if you want your name, contact information, social media, and/or website published along with your story.
  • Let us know if you would like to be a featured guest on the Addiction Support Podcast.

You will receive a response within 1 week of submitting your story.


Legal Notes:

  • All spam will be deleted and legal action will be taken if it becomes an issue for us.
  • We reserve all rights.
  • By submitting your story, you are giving AddictionSupportPodcast.com and Oak Creek Wellness, Inc. the rights to publish & share your story.
  • Submitting a story does not guarantee it will be published.