ASP 008: Insurance and Rehabs, Finding the Right Rehab & Interventions w/ Marcus Hansen


I wanted to get this information out to you before the end of January 2016 because of the valuable information Marcus shares regarding insurance.  (We have open enrollment until the end of January.)  I ended up releasing a podcast that I wasn’t happy with.  So, I went back and re-edited the podcast.  Here’s a cleaner, shorter version that I hope provides even more value.

If you or someone you know is ready for treatment, don’t wait.  Give Marcus and his team a call today at 866-671-5101 for free.

If you aren’t quite ready to pick up the phone, you can find out more information at www.addictiondetoxcenters.com.  Iwillrecover.com is another solid resource for people dealing with heroin


This week we are talking about finding the right rehab.  Which insurance company and plan is best for covering the cost of rehab.  What is involved with interventions, and so much more!  My guest this week is Marcus Hansen, CEO of Addiction Detox Centers.  (Marcus is not an attorney or an insurance agent.)  He is a person who has spent many hours helping families find and cover the cost of rehab for their loved ones after losing his best friend to a heroin overdose. This week you will hear which insurance companies and plans are the best if you or a loved one need to go into a rehabilitation facility, how to find out what your insurance company will cover, and what to do if you need different insurance.

You’ll also find out what it’s like when you bring in an interventionist, how long you have between when someone says they want to go to rehab and when they will probably no longer be willing to go.  Marcus is a wealth of information!

I do apologize to you – the audio is really not great.  Skype was cutting out on us.  The interview is choppy. But the information is so valuable and I wanted to get it to you this week.  I believe you have until the end of January 2016 for insurance open enrollment and this episode could save a family a lot of money.

Marcus’ Bio:

I am the CEO and founder of two companies, and a co-owner in another.  All three of the companies I am involved with work in the addiction treatment space.  My passion for this industry was born like most, sadly, through the loss of my best friend to addiction.  After watching the people around my best friend battle with finding answers, and the hopelessness that comes from having a loved one addicted to drug and alcohol, I dedicated myself to helping people who need it.

At Addiction Detox Centers, we help people find the right treatment for them.  We work with our clients, free of charge, to help the family and the addict find the best possible treatment center, based on their own needs.  Not the needs of the centers.  We work with the families to understand financial requirements, and even help cover costs for those that need it.    

As CEO, I still answer phone calls, and work with people to understand the best way to help them and the family.  In 2016, we are looking at covering intervention costs for selected families as a way to meet our goal of helping 240 people enter treatment in 2016. 

Contact Info:

Marcus Hansen

CEO and Founder




Be firm in your love for the person who is dealing with addiction.  Make sure they know that you are there for them, but set boundaries.

People need a rehab with a 12 step modality and an aftercare program.

You typically have anywhere from 1 hour to 3 days when someone says they are ready to go to rehab.

Intervention is really counseling for the family.



Thank you for Listening!

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Special thanks to Marcus Hansen for joining me this week.  Until next time!



Melissa Sue Tucker: Melissa Sue Tucker from Oak Creek Wellness interviews inspiring family members and friends of alcoholics, drug addicts, and people who have struggled with other addictions. Discover tips and tricks on how we can keep ourselves healthy when we are in a relationship with an addict. You can also hear from holistic health and wellness professionals that share insight into keeping yourself well. Although Melissa confesses she does not have it all figured out, through the help of seminars, life coaches, and wellness professionals she has been able to work through her feelings of sadness, guilt, and shame associated with having two younger brothers struggle with drug addiction. After one brother passed away, she decided that his death would not be in vain. Only recently after watching Johann Hari's Ted Talk: Everything You Know About Addiction is Wrong did she decided to take action by focusing on inspiring hope and change by providing love and support to friends and family members of addicts. “Be the change you wish to see in the world” - Gandhi

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