ASP036: Healthy Relationships – With Self and Others

Healthy Relationships


My guest this week is Laura White is a mother, psychotherapist, and entrepreneur committed to sharing the message of recovery.   She has spent her career helping others develop and use tools for recovery.  When confronted with addiction as a mother recovery became personal.  Laura has been on her own personal journey healing from the devastating impact of this disease and learning to live more comfortably in the world.  Laura says, “Sharing my story of recovery is how I sort through the pain, so I can let go of thoughts and feelings that no longer serve me well.  I want to understand so I can grow and heal.  I want to focus on the light, not the dark.  I want to make a difference.”

Laura is a new blogger and has started a blog RecoveryMomblog.wordpress.com.  On November 6, 2016, she will present a workshop designed to help families heal from the disease of addiction called “Restore to Wholeness”.

In her counseling practice, Laura collaboratively works with her clients to improve their emotional health so they can live the life they want.  Laura says, “I believe everyone has the ability to change and grow and I see my role as a facilitator to this growth.  I focus on relationships beginning with relationship with Self.  A healthy relationship with Self will begin to improve your relationships with others.”

Learning to take personal responsibility, to set boundaries, to practice self-care and to not do for others what they should do for themselves have been essential in changing how addiction impacts Laura and her family. 

Laura has two awesome children her son is (21) and her daughter is (17).  She has discovered a passion for cycling and enjoys riding on the road or in the woods.

Laura emailed this prayer to me, I wanted to share it with you.  (Prayer from the Episcopal Prayer Book)

O blessed Lord, you ministered to all who came to you; Look with compassion upon all who through addiction have lost their health and freedom.  Restore to them the assurance of you unfailing mercy; remove from them the fears that beset them; strengthen them in the work of their recovery; and to those who care for them, give patient understanding and persevering love. Amen


If you’d like to work with Laura or find out more about the workshop, you can contact her through her websites, email, or phone.

Phone: 901-210-1833
E-Mail: laura912@att.net

Thank You For Listening

Special thanks to Laura White for joining me this week.  Until next time!



Melissa Sue Tucker: Melissa Sue Tucker from Oak Creek Wellness interviews inspiring family members and friends of alcoholics, drug addicts, and people who have struggled with other addictions. Discover tips and tricks on how we can keep ourselves healthy when we are in a relationship with an addict. You can also hear from holistic health and wellness professionals that share insight into keeping yourself well. Although Melissa confesses she does not have it all figured out, through the help of seminars, life coaches, and wellness professionals she has been able to work through her feelings of sadness, guilt, and shame associated with having two younger brothers struggle with drug addiction. After one brother passed away, she decided that his death would not be in vain. Only recently after watching Johann Hari's Ted Talk: Everything You Know About Addiction is Wrong did she decided to take action by focusing on inspiring hope and change by providing love and support to friends and family members of addicts. “Be the change you wish to see in the world” - Gandhi

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