4 years free from meth addiction

ASP018: Amanda is celebrating a happy, healthy life and 4 years clean and sober after years of meth addiction

posted in: Podcast Episodes | 7

4 years free from meth addiction

Show Notes for this episode are at addictionsupportpodcast.com/episode18


Amanda shares how she had a happy, healthy childhood but then ended up with a meth addiction that lasted for years.  She’s now celebrating 4 years clean and sober from meth and almost 4 years clean and sober from alcohol.  She has a successful life.  She’s a loving mom to her two boys.  She manages an apartment complex.  She has healed relationships that she never thought would be mended.  And she gives back to others…

It takes a very brave and loving person to open up and share their addiction story.  Amanda (and others who’ve been on the podcast) are amazing people who want others to know there is hope.

Will you Share Your Story?

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Special thanks to Amanda for joining me this week.  Until next time!



7 Responses

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