ASP024: Mother’s Alcoholism Has Not Held Her Back

Meeting up with a friend in Frankfurt, Germany after meeting her 8 years prior at Lake Titicaca in Peru. The best cure for toxic people is to explore the world and find more good ones.

Listen to Addiction Support Podcast Episode 24

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Show Notes for this episode are at /episode24


This week my beautiful Biz BFF, Laura Petersen Shepard, (who used to live in CA & AZ but now lives in Germany) shares what it was like to grow up with an alcoholic mother.  At the age of 15, she decided that it was not in her best interest to continue a relationship with her mother and instead spends time with people who are truly positive influences.

Her inspiring advice includes the reminders that:

We become the average of the 5 people who you spend the most time with…choose wisely.

You only have 1 life, figure out what you want to become and then surround yourself with like minded people.

Think beyond the hurt, stress, and pain – work towards where you are going and spend time with people who are where you want to go.


Here are a list of Laura’s online businesses and how to connect with her.  She’s an amazing soul.  If you are interested in starting or growing an online business, I highly recommend listening to her podcast!

Connect with Laura on Twitter @lsp_s & Facebook www.facebook.com/laurap23

I’d love for you to follow me on Instagram @60SecondsOfSolitude and let me know what you think of 60 Seconds Of Solitude my daily meditation podcast!

Thank you for Listening!

Thank you so much for joining me this week. Have some thoughts you’d like to share? Leave a note in the comment section below!

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And finally, don’t forget to subscribe to the show on iTunes to get automatic updates.

Special thanks to Laura Petersen Shepard for bringing this podcast together and joining me this week.  Until next time!




Melissa Sue Tucker: Melissa Sue Tucker from Oak Creek Wellness interviews inspiring family members and friends of alcoholics, drug addicts, and people who have struggled with other addictions. Discover tips and tricks on how we can keep ourselves healthy when we are in a relationship with an addict. You can also hear from holistic health and wellness professionals that share insight into keeping yourself well. Although Melissa confesses she does not have it all figured out, through the help of seminars, life coaches, and wellness professionals she has been able to work through her feelings of sadness, guilt, and shame associated with having two younger brothers struggle with drug addiction. After one brother passed away, she decided that his death would not be in vain. Only recently after watching Johann Hari's Ted Talk: Everything You Know About Addiction is Wrong did she decided to take action by focusing on inspiring hope and change by providing love and support to friends and family members of addicts. “Be the change you wish to see in the world” - Gandhi

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