Codependency Quiz

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Codependency Quiz
15 questions to help you discover if you are codependent
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* Indicates required question
1 of 15:  Do you carry a lot of resentment, feeling angry with others who don’t meet your needs? *
2 of 15:  Do you expect people to read your mind and know what you need or want? *
3 of 15:  Do you often feel like a martyr who lives your life for everyone else? *
4 of 15:  Do you have many one-sided relationships where people take more than they give? *
5 of 15:  Does sex feel like one more task on an already long “to-do” list? *
6 of 15:  Do you break too many promises to yourself. *
7 of 15:  Do you have trouble getting others to share in the work load at home? *
8 of 15:  Do you give to others in an effort to feel needed, important, or worthy? *
9 of 15:  Is it rare for you to relax or to enjoy things that are fun? *
10 of 15:  When you are overwhelmed, tired, or stressed, do you rarely think to ask for help? *
11 of 15:  Do you secretly long to be acknowledged for all the helpful things you do? *
12 of 15:  Do people who act “entitled” make you cringe; because you are never like that? *
13 of 15:  Do you sometimes feel foolish about the ways in which you’ve put the needs of others before your own? *
14 of 15:  Do you not bother to ask for help because it’s not worth the hassle? *
15 of 15:  Do you hate disappointing people? *
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