Harm Prevention with Addiction Support Podcast

ASP020: Harm Reduction, Why Needle Exchanges Programs Are Needed, and more…

posted in: Podcast Episodes | 2

Show Notes for this episode are at addictionsupportpodcast.com/episode20


My guest this week is Haley Coles of Sonoran Prevention Works.  (www.spwaz.org)  Haley is an Addiction Advocate and a Harm Prevention Professional.  In this episode, she explains what harm reduction is and why we need to be concerned about harm reduction.  She reviews how to safely clean up needles, and what you should do if you are stuck by a used needle.  In Arizona, we currently do not have a way for people to safely dispose of used needles nor do we have a needle exchange program.

Listen to Haley share how she's been able to help an addict get treatment through her work.  She gives her advice based on evidence-based studies.  She has not seen "hitting rock bottom" work for a lot of people.  She has seen people succeed through love and support.  If someone is using, their friends and family members should know in case an overdose does occur.

We also discuss what to do when someone does od on heroin or any opioid, how to make sure they get treatment, and how to keep yourself from being arrested in states that do not protect Good Samaritans.


Sites Mentioned -

Sonoran Prevention Works (in Arizona)

Harm Reduction Coalition (National in the US)

Click on the images below to review, download & print out the resources that Haley mentioned in this episode.

Thank you for Listening!

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Special thanks to Haley Coles for joining me this week.  Until next time!



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